Important note: To successfully complete this form you will need to provide the coordinates of the road closure point (if applicable) in ITM (Irish Transverse Mercator format). If you don’t supply this information it will lead to a significant delay in your application being processed. ITM coordinates consist of an X and Y reading, both in six-digit format. You can search for these coordinates on the GeoHive Map Vieweror on the Irish Grid Reference Finder
Upon Completion of the application form and required accompanying documentation, the applicant must contact Traffic Operations ( and arrange an online meeting to discuss the closure/diversion. This is required a minimum of five weeks in advance of the proposed road closure/diversion dates. Online meetings are arranged for Tuesdays to allow for inclusion in the following week’s list of Temporary Road Closures/Diversions. Online meetings to discuss applications is on a first come, first served basis. Upon discussion of each application, the most appropriate procedure under Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, will be decided upon and the application will proceed on that basis.
If a Parking Bay or area is being removed or is not available due to the Closure of the Roadway then the Applicant is required to pay for the loss of revenue associated with the Parking Bay. The current cost is €25.00 per bay per day or part thereof for a 1 hour zone or €12.50 per bay per day or part thereof for a 2 hour zone. Loading Bay costs are €40 per space per day at standard van size. This must be paid in advance of the closure.
Please note: The person registering on this platform and applying for the licence will sign the declaration (digitally) and must be the holder of the accompanying insurance policy.
Required Documentation:
Traffic Management Plan
Insurance Policy
Applications shall be made a minimum of four weeks prior to the proposed closure date to allow for processing of applications and advertising. Not adhering to this stipulation will lead to an automatic rejection of the application.