Grant applications to be submitted by 4pm on Friday, 7th February 2025
Works must be completed within 2025. In practice this will mean that payment claims will need to be submitted to Cork City Council by Friday, 31st October 2025. Please refer to appendices below for further information on the scheme.
The scheme aims to encourage good custodianship of historic buildings in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA) and to encourage best conservation practice when carrying out repairs; see Appendix One. The funds available to this scheme (which total approximately €130,000, with up to €20,000 available per building/project) aim to assist historic building owners and occupiers to carry out repair and conservation works during the period specified in Appendix Two.
Appendix One
Scheme Overview
Aim of the Scheme
The scheme aims to encourage good custodianship of historic buildings in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA) and to encourage best conservation practice when carrying out repairs.
Who can Apply?
The 2025 scheme is open to owners and occupiers of buildings (domestic and non-domestic) located within any of the ACAs located in Cork City. The funds available to this scheme (with a max grant of €20,000 available per project) aim to assist historic building owners and occupiers in carrying out repair and conservation works during the period specified in Appendix Two.
The ACA boundaries are illustrated on the following map:
If the applicant is in doubt as to the eligibility of a particular structure under this scheme, they are encouraged to contact their Local Authority with their query.
Qualifying Works
The scheme targets conservation repair of the external envelope of historic buildings, which will have an immediate and obvious benefit to the ACA. These works include, but are not limited to:
• Repairs to roof, roof elements and rainwater goods;
• Repairs to external walls, historic renders and stuccowork;
• Repair of historic windows and surrounds;
• Repair of historic doors and doorways;
• Repair of historic shopfronts /historic signage
• Repairs to historic ironwork, limestone steps, and other boundary treatments;
Reinstatement of lost character may also be considered where this benefits the ACA, such as the replacement of uPVC windows with historically appropriate timber sliding sash windows.
If a grant is awarded for qualifying works, this is provisional approval only and the precise nature of the works are to be agreed following the initial site inspection by the Conservation Officer.
In exceptional circumstances consideration will be given to supporting internal repair works where they relate to key historic features (e.g. stairwells, joinery and decorative plasterwork).
Note: Works cannot be funded retrospectively. Works that have commenced before notification of funding approval under this scheme or where works have commenced prior to a site inspection by the Local Authority will not be funded.
How to Apply
The following is a short checklist (Please refer to Appendix Two for details on the application process):
· Complete the Application Form;
· Provide signed consent of the Owner (if the Applicant is not the Owner);
· Provide a method statement for the proposed works describing the current condition of the areas proposed for repair and including details of how the proposed conservation works will be carried out;
· Provide dated photographs showing the building and the condition of the specific areas to which works are proposed;
· Provide a detailed list of the proposed works;
· Provide a breakdown of costs, following a request for three quotations;
· Provide copies of all quotations received
· Submit your application as per the instructions in Appendix Two.
Eligible applications will be assessed for selection under the following criteria:
· The completeness of the application (See Note 5 Appendix II);
· The efficacy of the proposed works, demonstrating value for money and how the proposed works will prevent further deterioration to the building;
· The importance of the works to safeguard historic fabric and the methodology of works proposed, ensuring that best conservation practice is employed.
· The significance of the historic building and/ or fabric it is proposed to repair;
· The benefits to the wider ACA.
Funding of Projects
Grants of up to €20,000 are available under this scheme. Works can be funded up to a maximum rate of 50% of the project cost. Grants exceeding 50% of the total project cost may be offered in exceptional circumstances and:
• Where the public benefit outweighs the private benefit;
• In relation to the repair of specific Unique Cork building types and building features (e.g.: gabled houses, bow-fronted houses, bay-fronted houses, slate-hung elevations, and historic timber sashes).
Appendix Two
Notes on applications
1 Funding available to Cork City Council for this Architectural Conservation Areas
Grants Scheme is limited, competitive and there is no automatic right to a grant.
Applications will be prioritised on the quality of the application and adherence to the qualifying works as outlined in Appendix One of this document. The decision of Cork City Council is final.
2 The application form must be fully and clearly completed, and must be accompanied by the appropriate documents (as described in Appendix I and outlined in 5 below). Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
3 Submission of applications
If submitting a hard copy, completed application forms should be submitted for the attention of: Conservation Officer, Strategic Planning & Heritage, Planning and Integrated Development Directorate, Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork.
4 Funding
Details of how the cost of the works, other than the amount of the grant sought, is
proposed to be funded must be stated. The applicant must indicate the amount of the applicant’s personal or business resources being used and any:
• Grants, subsidies or assistance from statutory bodies, or
• Sponsorship or assistance from a non-statutory source, received or being sought.
Where any part of the works is being carried out by the applicant directly, or where they are being undertaken by voluntary means, this must also be stated.
5 Documents
Refer to Appendix One (‘How to Apply’) for the documents required with the submission.
6 City Council Conservation leaflet
Architectural Conservation Areas: advice and guidance to owners and occupiers, a leaflet published by Cork City Council in 2023, provides general guidance on good practice in Architectural Conservation Areas. This is available on Conservation Grants - Cork City Council.
Further guidance on the approach to repair can be found in the Advice Series produced by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (see
7 Tax Clearance Procedures
All grants are subject to Department of Finance Tax Clearance Procedures. The current requirements are set out in Circulars 43/2006 and Circular 44/2006, as updated. This will mean that (subject to new requirements):
• Any proposed contractors will need to show that they are within the tax system (e.g. by means of a Tax Clearance Certificates or sub-contractors determination); and
• Those in receipt of public grants exceeding €10,000 in any tax year will also need to show that they are tax compliant by means of a Tax Clearance Certificate.
8. The ACA grant process
Public notice: Friday 10th January 2025
Applications deadline: Friday 7th February 2025
Grant assessment: February 2025
Notification of provisional grant award: March 2025
Grant offer accepted: March 2025
Conservation Officer Site Visit by: June 2025
Works completed by (at the latest): October 2025
Payment claim submitted by: Friday 31st October 2025